The canvas depicts a fragmented psyche, yearning to disintegrate into myriad reflections of itself, each a static liquid plane exhibiting existential permutations and temporal rifts the subject wishes to avert their gaze from, Listen: My mind was becoming unstuck in time again. It wanted to come unstuck from itself for good this go- round. It wanted to split into unlimited refractions, self- upon- self, planar liquids frozen in place. Each one would show me lives unlived, time- lines re- run. I didn't want to see that stuff, frankly, A surreal depiction of a mind fragmenting into countless planar liquid reflections of itself, each one a static mirror displaying alternate lives and timelines the subject wishes not to perceive, My head will not stay together, it only wishes to split itself into endless refractions of the self, each one a planar liquid static, each one displaying lives and alternations of the timeline that I do not wish to see
Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Mona Lisa, Taylor Swift, The Starry Night, The Kiss, Michael Jackson, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, The Tower of Babel, Irises in Monet's Garden, Las Meninas, Impression, Sunrise, Peacock, Hen and Cock Pheasant in a Landscape, Pillars of Creation, The Garden of Earthly Delights, American Gothic, Flaming June, The Birth of Venus, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, Guernica, Liberty Leading the People, Nighthawks, Abbey Road, The Thinker, Fallingwater, The Great Wave, The Persistence of Memory, The School of Athens, Sunday in the Park, The Night Watch, The Lady of Shalott, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, The Battle of Alexander at Issus, The Great Fire of London, Migrant Mother, The Scream