In a dimly- lit, bohemian- style Parisian café nestled between cobblestone streets and vibrant graffiti, Cara Theobold poses at an antique wooden table adorned with a half- eaten croissant, a steaming espresso, and a plate of colorful macarons. Her fiery red hair cascades down her shoulders as it catches the warm, golden light from the nearby street lamps, framing her striking black eyes that sparkle with intrigue. A pair of vintage earrings dangle from her ears, reflecting the café's ambient glow, while a delicate necklace draped around her neck complements her elegant white blouse. Her left hand cradles the espresso cup as she takes a thoughtful sip, her slender fingers adorned with intricate rings. Her knee- length black boots, with their high heels and buckled details, peek out from beneath her frayed denim mini skirt, completing her edgy yet sophisticated ensemble. The camera angles from above, capturing the intimacy of the moment while also allowing the viewer to appreciate the rich textures and details in this enchanting scene