In a single, solitary tableau vivant of the Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood, a captivating young woman named Bobbi, her raven locks cascading like waterfalls, poses as Ophelia from Shakespeare's Hamlet, floating dreamlike in a shallow, sunlit river with black hair that shimmered under the golden sunbeam. Her head tilted back slightly, lips parted in a silent song to the heavens, eyes wide with sorrow and serenity as she gazes up at a single, golden sunbeam piercing through the dappled foliage above her. The camera angle, positioned just above the waterline, gives a sense of intimacy and immersion, inviting the viewer to join Bobbi in her watery repose, while also emphasizing the delicate beauty and fragility of her fleeting existence. <lora:lytstj18fcb0f653dm1d0d:1>