john lemon and yoko uno kissing in front of a tank, a statement for peace and love, dove of peace, flowers BREAK Pacifists' emblems of hope- a snow- white dove takes flight over floral blooms as two souls sealed by devotion make their stand before an engine of war cast in steel. BREAK Two icons of counterculture, entwined in an intimate clinch of warmth and compassion, their silhouettes backdropped by a hulking, metallic beast- their kiss an emboldened protest demanding harmony. BREAK An intimate couple locked in a tender embrace, a military vehicle their backdrop- an iconic statement on harmony transcending violence. Winged envoys of tranquility soar over flowery symbols of renewal. BREAK Two lovers' kiss defiantly showcases a yearning for amity before the imposing facade of an armored destroyer. Doves take flight amidst the burgeoning blooms underfoot, heralding serenity's triumph. BREAK The silhouettes of paramours meld, set against the menacing silhouette of a battle- tank, as feathered emissaries of pacifism rise like Phoenix from a field of wildflowers- rebirth from the ashes of war. BREAK A tableau vivant of intimacy flowered before the cold steel of mankind's capacity for destruction; skyward ascend the ardent ambassadors of peace over drifts of wild peonies and oleanders. BREAK Soulful mouths meet between the barrels, giving the lie to violence in this pivotal still life- the quiet joy of amour rings out, as snow- breasted pacificators soar at nature's rebirth
uniform, soldier