poster for disheveled, overweight villain with water constantly dripping from their body made of ral- watrho, outfit is made of patched- up hoses and rusty valves, with water leaking from every seam, carry a large, worn- out wrench and have a mischievous grin, curved text "Leaky Pete" text "Draining life, drop by drop", back ally made of. Sculptures, Inuit art style, intricate carvings, natural materials, storytelling motifs, arctic wildlife themes, symbolic representations, cultural traditions, earthy tones, harmonious compositions, spiritual and mythological elements. rich deep colors, beautiful, cinematic, dramatic ambient light, dynamic composition, intricate, elegant, extremely detailed, professional, innocent, created, supreme, best, true artistic, glowing, pure, vibrant color, shiny, aesthetic, fantastic, full, glorious, bright, magical, illuminated, mystical, epic, directed, dazzling, majestic
(text:1.4), superman, cat