Title: Chronicles of an Ancient Cosmos A vast, black cosmos adorned with countless twinkling stars and a blazing sun is depicted. A lone spaceship navigates through the darkness, its sleek silver surface reflecting the starlight. The viewer is positioned behind the ship, watching as it glides towards an ominous nebula. Color mood: Cold, yet illuminated by the stars Lighting conditions: Subdued, with a slight hue of blue from the distant galaxy Angle: Long shot, capturing the vastness of space and the ship's journey Style: Surreal, evoking a sense of wonder and curiosity As the ship approaches the nebula, it disappears into its cloudy depths, leaving only a trail of smoke in its wake. The darkness is interrupted by vibrant shades of pink and purple, signaling the uncharted territory within. Color mood: Mysterious, transitioning from cold to warm Lighting conditions: Soft, contrasting the harsh blackness of space Angle: Close- up of the ship as it enters the nebula, with the cosmos still visible Style: Abstract, conveying the sense of exploration and discovery Suddenly, a planet emerges from the haze. <lora:FluxDFaeTasticDetails. safetensors:0. 8> <lora:glowing_flux. safetensors:0. 8>