Brutal- looking muscular man, well- defined physique, veins bulging, intense facial expression, clenched jaw, short rugged hair, sweat on forehead, fitted worn T- shirt, T- shirt stretched over bulging muscles, powerful dynamic stance, ((tearing the whole watermelon apart with bare hands in the air in front of him)), arms flexed, massive biceps and forearms, watermelon mid- tear, watermelon rind cracking loudly, deep fractures running through the rind, pieces of rind splintering off, juice exploding outward, bright red flesh bursting open, seeds flying in all directions, juice droplets glistening in the air, realistic texture, simple blurred background, industrial or gym setting, high- contrast lighting, deep shadows, droplets of juice in mid- air, explosive energy, sweat glistening, primal and determined look, creating a striking and intense visual impact, detailemaximizer, realistic, perfection style, shallow depth of field, vignette, highly detailed, high budget, cinemascope, moody, epic, gorgeous, waves crashing on a rocky shore in the background