(Feral, wild- eyed) Lioness, half- starved and lean, crouches in the (dusty, arid) savanna, (muscles tense, fur matted) as she stalks her prey. Ready to pounce, she's a (predator, hunter, beast) with (keen, focused ears), her (sharp, razor- sharp teeth) bared in a silent snarl. The (golden- hued, tawny) coat, once glorious, now (dingy, worn), signifies her (desperate, ferocious) need for sustenance. This (survival of the fittest, primal) scene plays out as she (single- mindedly, relentlessly) pursues the (frightened, panicked) antelope.
watermark, easynegative, makeup, flag, bad hands, bad eyes, bad fingers, deformed hands, extra fingers, visible face, child, minor,