A horrifying close- up of a human face, its features warped and distorted by the corrupting touch of the Cthulhu mythos. The skin, once familiar, is now a canvas of decay, mottled with sickly hues and riddled with unnatural textures. Patches of scales or barnacle- like growths hint at a horrifying transformation. The eyes, wide and staring, reflect a maddening abyss, mirroring the cosmic horrors they have witnessed. A trickle of viscous, ichorous fluid oozes from a corner of the mouth, which hangs slightly agape in a silent scream. The lighting is harsh and unforgiving, highlighting every grotesque detail, every twisted pore. This is a portrait of a soul lost to the encroaching madness of the Old Gods, a visceral representation of the physical and psychological toll of encountering the unfathomable. The style evokes the unsettling, distorted portraits of Francis Bacon, combined with the grotesque, anatomical detail of a medical illustration. The desired emotion is a profound sense of revulsion and dread, a glimpse into the terrifying consequences of delving too deep into the forbidden knowledge of the Cthulhu mythos. The rendering is hyperrealistic, focusing on texture and the subtle nuances of decay to create a truly disturbing and unforgettable image